Guardianship of A Minor

This type of guardianship is to become the temporary guardian of a minor's person. You may pick up the appropriate forms from our office.


General Information

Temporary Guardianship of a Minor's Person

  • The petition must be complete and legible (please type or print with black ink)
  • Petitioner must sign the verification page in front of at Notary Public or a Clerk of Probate Court
  • Both natural parents are required to either temporarily relinquish their parental rights by signing in their respective section on the petition in front of a notary or clerk or we will have to serve them.
  • If the child was not born in Peach County, you will need to bring a certified copy of the child's birth certificate.
  • Natural/Biological Parents cannot obtain guardianship. They must file for custody through Superior Court.

Filing Fees

The filing fee is $140 and must be paid in full before Letters of Guardianship will be issued.

Conservatorship of Minor - F/K/A Guardian of Minor's Property

An appointment of a Conservator of a minor is required when the minor is recieving funds over $15,000 from an inheritance, a settlement or any other source. You will file a petition with the court to become the conservator.


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